Oktoberfest 2017 Or Bust

In 2017 I had another European vacation. This time I calmed down a bit on the number of destinations and settled on 3 spots Prague, Amsterdam, and Munich. The point of the trip was to go to Oktoberfest in Munich but while you’re over there you might as well visit some other cool places. Prague was my favorite. It is a very affordable city with great food, beer and sites. When I head back, Prague is definitely on my list of places to stay forever. Amsterdam was a fun trip, however, I don’t remember much of it. :) We admittedly did not see much of the local culture and stayed in the touristy areas. I also got sick on this leg of the trip and I was out of commission for a couple days. Luckily, I was able to recover and get back to having a good time. It always sucks getting sick on vacation, but such is life...And the coupe de grat was Oktoberfest in Munich! This was a marathon drinking adventure. We purchased a tour package through a company called Thirsty Swagman. They had several hosts that lead you to the tents and acquired tables for you to sit and enjoy the festivities. They were very accommodating and helpful. 4 straight days of drinking. All I can say is I survived. Overall it was a very fun trip and I’d happily do it again.

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